
Having an e-commerce Web site is no longer a competitive advantage--it's now a competitive imperative. But constructing a profitable and effective e-commerce site involves much more than simply adding shopping-cart capabilities to an existing Web site. It requires an understanding of rapidly evolving issues and the integration of complex technologies. Developing e-Commerce Sites leads you step-by-step through the process of building a sophisticated e-commerce Web site. This book brings you up to speed on the latest technologies and shows you how to integrate them into a customized e-commerce site that serves your organization's specific needs. Details and instructions are reinforced by carefully crafted code examples that incorporate empowering technologies. The examples are included on the accompanying CD-ROM. In addition, the authors describe a complete e-commerce solution, illustrating system design, user interface, and utility classes. Developing e-Commerce Sites demonstrates actual implementation of the five requisite functions of an e-commerce site: inventory management, profiling, ordering, shipping, and reporting. You will find clear, practical information on such topics as: Java language basics Servlets and JavaScript SQL and JDBC XML and how it can be used in e-commerce Credit card verification Security Inventory management Customer profiling Ordering, shipping, and reporting With this book as a guide, technical professionals and managers charged with deploying an e-commerce site will learn the important issues, underlying technologies, and practical skills needed to accomplish this formidable task successfully.

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  • 出版社:新月


  • 出版日期:2000/07/09
  • 博客來
  • 語言:英文






  • 出版社:新月


  • 出版日期:2000/07/09
  • 語言:英文

Having an e-commerce Web site is no longer a competitive advantage--it's now a competitive imperative. But constructing a profitable and effective e-commerce site involves much more than simply adding shopping-cart capabilities to an existing Web site. It requires an understanding of rapidly evolving issues and the integration of complex technologies. Developing e-Commerce Sites leads you step-by-step through the process of building a sophisticated e-commerce Web site. This book brings you up to speed on the latest technologies and shows you how to integrate them into a customized e-commerce site that serves your organization's specific needs. Details and instructions are reinforced by carefully crafted code examples that incorporate empowering technologies. The examples are included on the accompanying CD-ROM. In addition, the authors describe a complete e-commerce solution, illustrating system design, user interface, and utility classes. Developing e-Commerce Sites demonstrates actual implementation of the five requisite functions of an e-commerce site: inventory management, profiling, ordering, shipping, and reporting. You will find clear, practical information on such topics as: Java language basics Servlets and JavaScript SQL and JDBC XML and how it can be used in e-commerce Credit card verification Security Inventory management Customer profiling Ordering, shipping, and reporting With this book as a guide, technical professionals and managers charged with deploying an e-commerce site will learn the important issues, underlying technologies, and practical skills needed to accomplish this formidable task successfully.

Developing e-Commerce Sites - An Integrated Approach

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Developing e-Commerce Sites - An Integrated Approach
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Developing e-Commerce Sites - An Integrated Approach



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